Fishing adventure
Going on a fishing trip can be a great little adventure, especially if it's new fishing waters to be explored. Around Knäred there are a number of large areas that provide varied nature and fishing waters. Flammabadets Camping is a stone's throw from Lagan & Krokån.
Remember that a fishing license is always required! (With the exception of children & young people up to 16 years old)
Day pass 60 SEK
Week pass 150 SEK
Year pass 400 SEK
Fishing licenses are now bought digitally through iFISKE. For more information
Knappt 50 meter från campingområdet finner du tre tempererade bassänger med stora fina gräsytor.
The pool is open during June, July and August. There are opportunities to buy drinks, ice cream and other goodies here. In other words, a perfect complement for you who are guests at our campsite.
Despite the name "Flammabadet", the facility is not run by us at the campsite but by the Folkhälsocentrum and therefore has its own price list.
17/6 – 20/8
Mon – Sun: 11.00 – 18.30
for more information,
An exciting adventure that suits most people is paddling a canoe in Lagan and Hjörneredssjöarna. In the relatively calm waters, it is easy to paddle and you can glide around in still water to see the beautiful and varied nature. There are several islands and small beaches where you can beachcomb. At the campsite, you can set up camp, grill and just relax before it's time for the next adventure.
When staying overnight, all canoeists must report their arrival and leave their canoe check at the campsite.
For more information and prices, contact "Härliga Hjörnered" on phone 076 394 66 02 or "Markaryd's canoe center" on phone 070 587 11 37